Friday, June 7, 2013

Cadence is 7 months old!!

Did I really just write that???  Our little girl is growing leaps and bounds!!!  This stage is so fun!!   Summertime is already off to a great start.  It has been a few months of great firsts!  Just the other day we went shopping, thrifting, to the library and swung on your first swing!!  We love you so much sweet girl!  As always you are the light of my life and we don't know what we ever did without you in our lives!  

You are in size 3 diapers.

You wear 9-12 months clothes!!

You have the cutest baby rolls!

You said your first word Da-Da!  It is so cute you say it and look all around for Daddy.

You are on the move!  You roll everwhere and scoot backwards.  You are trying so hard to crawl forwards!

You sleep in your crib now :(  Mommy misses you at her bedside!  You are a rockstar sleeper.

You still loooove your baby food!  Chicken and Apples are your fave! (yuck!)

You enjoy cousin cooper's tball games and just being around your cousins Coop and Griff.

Mammaw Julie and Daddy have fun on the weekends with you when Mommy works.

You are amazing and I love every second we spend together!

Love you so much

Your proud mommy


Unknown said...

Oh how precious!

Ashley said...

She seriously has to be one of the happiest babies! Love her smiles!

Erica said...

Thanks Becca! Thanks Ashley!!