Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 18 {25 Days of Joy and 31 Days of December}

 My new VS Jammies bring me joy today!!  Mine are white and pinks stripes!  Yes it is ok the be jealous.
Day 18 Your biggest INSECURITY

Definately my weight, yet I can't get my butt into gear to fix it.  Geeeze oh Pete Fatty McFat Pants!!! Looking forward to the new year so maybe I can get back to the thinner healthier me.




Carri said...

Okay VS....LOVES IT! And don't be so hard on yourself! I'm pretty sure you didn't gain weight in one day, so it won't fall off in one day. You can do anything you put your mind and heart into. I got faith in ya sista!!

Erica said...

Thanks Carri! Now I just need you in my back pocket telling me that all the time :)

Leah Robinson said...

You're still just as pretty!! Just look at the smile on your hubs face ;)

I feel ya, I look back at pictures of myself and just want to shoot myself for thinking I was "fat" then!!